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Freight Factoring Specialist Saint John Capital


As a nationwide freight factoring company, Saint John Capital only factors (buys) invoices within the trucking industry, allowing us to better  understand all the intricacies of the trucking business and better serve our customers. We specialize in (factoring) advancing cash on invoices for both new and small trucking companies and understand their specific needs.

Freight Factoring Specialist

While our understanding of all the intricacies of the transportation industry is not what sets us apart from other factoring companies out there, it does allow us to provide the level of service that we consistently strive for. In addition, our team consists of multilingual factoring specialist that can fluently speak Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Romanian, Spanish, Polish, Greek, and Ukrainian in addition to English.


Since our company’s inception in the summer of 1997 our truck factoring program has helped hundreds of truckers throughout the nation with all of their cash flow needs; many of which have grown their fleets to sizes in excess of a 100 trucks. And now, over a decade later, the corporation that was organized in the fall of 2009, continues its dream by offering premier truck factoring (40% & 100% Cash Advance) services throughout the nation. And our original office location situated out of a small 8′ x 10′ home office located in River Grove, Illinois, has now grown to a large office suites enjoyed by our great team.

Office Location

The Saint John Capital offices are located in Chicago, Illinois near O’Hare International Airport.  Stop by and visit our offices and afterwards take advantage of all the area has to offer, including an array of fine dining establishments, boutiques, and public courtyards.

Technical Resources

Saint John Capital is able to provide the necessary cash in a timely manner with a focus on service simply because of our investment in the latest technological resources. Clients have the flexibility to do credit checks, generate invoices, and even direct payments all online and all while maintaining complete transparency of their factoring account.

Code of Ethics

Saint John Capital as a member in good standing and as an official sponsor of the International Factoring Association (IFA) adheres to the IFA Code of Ethics.

Mission Statement

Saint John Capital believes that truckers have the right to enjoy a full range of factoring programs which others in their business community enjoy. Our mission and role in that success is to provide the independence for each trucking business to achieve those goals by simply forerunning their cash to them when they need it.

Learn More

Want to learn more about Saint John Capital and invoice factoring (Cash Advances)? Call or contact us today to get all of your questions answered, including how factoring works and why it’s right for your company.

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